What can we say? We had a LOT of fun. We caught up with a LOT of people. We walked past a lot of art... and we saw a couple of things that we liked.
It's hard to tell exactly what the purpose of Art Sydney is. It seems that the galleries that purchase stands think that it will elevate their status, to put them on the same level as the big boys. Unfortunately the big players don't go to the expense or trouble.
As one of our favourites explained a week or two before "We'd rather put the money into advertising our own individual shows, that way it lasts all year and has a far better result." and she'd have to be right. Art magazines sit on coffee tables for years. Art Sydney lasts a weekend...
BUT having said that, the overall sameness of most of the stands made a few folk REALLY stand out. Loved Lyndall Hargraves work (well most of the work at the Geomancer stand) and there was some great stuff in the "Off the wall" section...
The lovely Janice McCulloch, we had a great catch up ... the irrepressible Christopher Coogan ... the delightful Scott Petrie and we made dozens of new friends...
22nd October - 25th October 2009
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