So we set off to Coffs Harbour to cover the annual still life painting award, the EMSLA.
My Mum got shortlisted so it was a big one.
This was the third EMSLA I had been to and to be honest, while being the best show yet (the fantastic John R Walker won the thing and did I mention my mum being in it?) it just seemed a little bit like organised fun ... over produced ...
Like it's just an art prize guys.
The security on the door for the entry tickets(?), the officious volunteers throwing people out so a dinner can be set up ... the BELLY DANCERS?????????? The outdoor simulcast... it all got a bit much ...
It's worth seeing though .... Loved the Valadons and the John R Walker is a stand out choice to win ... it must be odd to win an aquisitive prize worth 15 000 bucks with a painting priced at $16 000
Until January 4th
Coffs Harbour Regional Gallery